Sunday, December 5, 2010


Today at work we were talking about tools and how there are men's tools and then they sell those cute little tool sets for females.  Usually, the tool sets are purple or pink.  Its a good thing in the sense that they are trying to appeal to women by making tools those colors and this may help women break gender norms.  Men clearly are thought to use tools and not women according to traditional gender norms.  It's my hope that someday companies wouldn't feel the need to change things to make them more appealing.  Women should want to be independent and work with tools in the first place and not shy away from it because its a "masculine" thing to do.  However, I was proud to hear that their husbands have used their purple and pink tools.  I know many guys that work on things and would never think about touching a pink screwdriver or purple wrench.  I know that they would search for a different one even if the "feminine" colored tools were right next to them.  Why is there such a thing as "masculine" and "feminine" colors anyway?

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