I had a male friend ask me the other day to go to the gym with him. I got ready and he met me at my apartment and we drove from there. On our way we were talking and kind of making a game plan, I guess. He was going to lift and then do and ab workout and then I said that I was going to go upstairs and work on cardio and then do an ab workout. He kind of laughed and said something like, "well yeah, you're a girl and thats what girls normally do." I looked at him and sarcastically said "really now."
I found this significant to write about just because for all he knew I could have wanted to lift. It is very stereotypical to say that because I'm a girl, I'm not going to lift. I have gone to the gym and lifted before and I also made it a point to observe who was lifting and there were a few girls. I know that the norm is for guys to life because they want to be muscular. However, girls like to tone their muscles too and some even do want big muscles.
I think people should start trying to change the way we think and talk and be less sterotypical.
Oh my gosh, I have been noticing so many more stereotypes like this now! The whole sitcom things is definitely right! And now, it is super annoying for me to hear the same old jokes. I don't even really watch the shows like that but some of them come on after others I watch and even catching the first few minutes all I hear is the husband complaining about the wife making him do chores.